BLUE WATER ja ART PLATINO – 1989 aastal algas kõik sellest, et väikeses tehases hakati tootma köögi ja vannitoa segisteid. Tänaseks on see kasvanud suureks holding ettevõtteks (BLUE WATER и ART PLATINO), mis valmistab umbes 100 erinevat segistit köökidele ja 200 mudelit vannitubade jaoks. Erilist tähelepanu väärib köögisegisti 2:1, kus ühe kraani erinevates kanalites jooksevad filtreeritud ja filtreerimata vesi ilma et need seguneksid. See võimaldab ruumi säästa ja muudab hooldamise lihtsamaks. Segistid valatakse messingist, roostevabast terasest ja keraamikast, määrdena kasutatakse spetsiaalset silikoonmääret – see sümbioos tagab vastupidavuse mehaanilisele koormustele, hõõrdumisele, kemikaalidele ja korrosioonile. Elegantne disain, praktilisus, stabiilsus pikaajalisel ekspluateerimisel ja ahvatlev hind teevad BLUE WATERi segistid nõutavateks pea kõikjal maailmas. BLUE WATERil on hulk auhindu, mis on saadud näitustelt ja laatadelt innovatiivse lahenduse ja unikaalse disaini eest.
Seotud tooted
Guglielmi, historic Italian Company in the taps sector, was founded in 1954 in Valduggia.
Lead today by the second generation of the family – Orazio and Orfeo – Guglielmi stands for the evolution of the Italian Company built on the figure of the entrepreneur-craftsman, represented up to the Nineties by their father Armando.
Guglielmi has been able to reconcile the deep artisan know-how with the industrial production processes with courage and determination, expanding the idea of turning a faucet into a work of design that combines aesthetic and functionality.
Commitment, passion and dedication are the values of the Company, that has always been committed to the development and realization of products for bathroom, shower, kitchen and for outdoor spaces.
The created models lead us into the Guglielmi universe, made up of iconic shapes, sophisticated surfaces and unusual color combinations for the pursuit of wellness.
High quality raw materials, advanced research processes allow the Company to satisfy a wide and diversified offer for the private world market and for the contracts with innovative proposals, entirely Made in Italy and respecting the environment.
Always attentive to the technological development and environmental sustainability, Guglielmi manufactures products equipped with technologies aimed at reducing water consumption and complying with strict international rules, saving energy and protecting the environment in the daily use.
Guglielmi thus continues to innovate, creating new models, developing customized solutions for the global market and efficiently focusing on the customer.